2025 Methane and Climate Strategies Workshop Sponsorships

Sponsors and Exhibitors
Tabletop Exhibitor - $3,500.00

2 meeting registrations
1 6 ft. table with conference cloth and two chairs
Recognition on sponsor signage

Suitcasing refers to when an individual or company who aren't official exhibitors or sponsors try to promote their business or solicit attendees during the event, without permission. To keep things fair for those who've invested in being part of the event, this is not allowed. Anyone caught suitcasing may be asked to leave and could face restrictions on attending in the future. Let's work together to make sure the event stays professional and beneficial for everyone involved!
This sponsorship includes 2 badges.
Additional badges are $75.00 each.
Breakfast Sponsor - $2,000.00

1 meeting registration
Recognition on sponsor signage at attendee breakfasts

This sponsorship includes one badge.
Additional badges are $75.00 each.
Lunch Sponsor - $2,500.00

1 meeting registration
Recognition on sponsor signage at attendee luncheon

This sponsorship includes one badge.
Additional badges are $75.00 each.
Reception Sponsor - $2,000.00

1 meeting registration
Recognition on sponsor signage at attendee reception

This sponsorship includes one badge.
Additional badges are $75.00 each.
Wi-Fi Sponsor - $4,000.00

1 meeting registration
Recognition on sponsor signage as exclusive wi-fi sponsor for the event

This sponsorship includes one badge.
Additional badges are $75.00 each.
Coffee Sponsor - $750.00

1 meeting registration
Recognition on sponsor signage at attendee coffee breaks

This sponsorship includes one badge.
Additional badges are $75.00 each.
Charging Station Sponsor - $500.00

1 meeting registration
Recognition on sponsor signage at attendee charging station

This sponsorship includes one badge.
Additional badges are $75.00 each.